Should You File For Joint Custody Of Your Kids?

If you and your significant other recently separated, you may still try to do what's best for the children in your family. You may even file for joint custody of your kids. But if sharing joint custody of your children places stress on them, you may wonder if there's a better way to raise your children. You can find a better way to share custody of your children with a child custody lawyer's help. Learn more about joint custody and how a child custody lawyer can help you below. 

What Should You Know About Joint Custody?

When parents divorce or separate, family law allows both parents to obtain and maintain some type of custody of their children. Some parents obtain full or sole legal custody of their kids, while other parents may share joint custody of their children. Parents who obtain full or sole legal custody of their children generally don't need or require input from the noncustodial parent to make decisions for their kids. However, parents who obtain joint custody of their kids must work together to raise and support their children. 

Joint custody requires both parents to make decisions for their children, including the children's health care and schooling. Both parents must also agree on their kids' extracurricular activities, including how to pay for the activities. But if one parent disagrees with the other parent, it may affect the well-being of their children. The children may not be able to experience the things they should in life if both parents disagree or don't get along with each other.

If you prefer to share joint custody of your children with your significant other or spouse, speak to a family law attorney soon. 

How Can a Child Custody Lawyer Assist You?

If you or your spouse already filed for divorce or legal separation, inform an attorney immediately. An attorney may need to use the information in your child custody case. You may be able to add your child custody case to your divorce or legal separation claim. 

An attorney may also interview your significant other or spouse during the proceedings. The other parent may not agree with your claim for joint custody. If the other person doesn't want to share custody with you, a lawyer may be able to change their minds for you. An attorney will generally work out an agreement with the other party's lawyer. The agreement will do what's best for your kids, including share joint custody.

If you need assistance obtaining joint custody of your children, consult a child custody law firm, such as the Law Office of Hugh Best, today. 
